What is the polycystic ovary syndrome treatment cost?

polycystic ovary syndrome treatment Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), is the most common endocrine disorder which occurs in the reproductive phase of women.  PCOS in India is caused by factors such as genetic factors and environment factors. There are also some risk factors involved like obesity, lack of physical exercise and family history of someone who has this condition. This syndrome is related to the follicles present in ovaries which grow in the ovary every month. This condition is named polycystic ovary syndrome because this condition has the ability of formation of cysts in ovaries though it is considered as only a symptom and not a cause of this syndrome. 

Signs and symptoms of this condition are when the patients have irregular or no menstrual periods. Sometimes patients may have heavy flow in periods. Other symptoms are excess body hairs, facial hairs, acne, pelvic pain, skin becoming patchy and dark spots appear on skin. This syndrome is also related to associated conditions such as obesity, heart disease, endometrial cancer, obstructive sleep apnea, type 2 diabetes. 

PCOS also affects the menstrual cycle in women; it decreases the no. of cycles may be fewer than nine menstrual periods in a year only or no menstrual cycles continuous for three to four months. This condition also affects ovulation also. Polycystic ovaries condition ovaries might get enlarged including follicles surrounding eggs which lead to dysfunctioning of ovaries. 

Infertility and polycystic ovary syndrome

Infertility in polycystic ovary disease is a hormonal syndrome in females that is the main cause of female infertility. PCOS also causes an ovulatory infertility. Not all women suffering from PCOS have difficulty getting pregnant. 

Polycystic ovaries may formed when ovaries are overstimulated and produce extreme amounts of androgenic hormones, mainly testosterone,  also when it releases of excessive luteinizing hormone by anterior pituitary gland or when high levels of insulin in blood of women whose ovaries are sensitive this condition is called as hyperinsulinemia. This condition is clearly named as polycystic ovary syndrome because of multiple cyst formed in ovaries. These cysts are not cysts but immature follicles. Follicles developed in ovaries from primordial follicles but when formation is stopped at an early antral phase which is because of disturbed ovarian function.  The follicles start tilting from the ovarian periphery appearing in a pattern like pearls on string in ultrasound examination. Women who are suffering from this condition may experience an increase in frequency of hypothalamic GnRH pulses, which results in increased LH/FSH ratio.

Treatment for polycystic ovary syndrome in India

For the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome in India first ovulation in women needs to be predicted. Ovulation in PCOS condition can be easily predictable with the help of urine test that usually detect the preovulatory LH surge, also known as ovulation predictor kits (OPKs). Women with this condition usually ovulate at any time during the cycle. Ovulation can also be confirmed by using serum progesterone in her mid luteal phase which occurs after seven days after ovulation. Infertility occurs due to PCOS condition can be treated by modifying lifestyle habits as well as ART such as ovulation induction, oocytes retrieval and surgery. PCOS women must need to modify their lifestyle habits such as overweight and diet adjustments and weight loss which improve menstrual regularity and pregnancy rates.

Women even after lifestyle modification and weight loss are still non ovulatory  than in that cases ovulation induction is required to help infertility in PCOS women. First line treatment includes letrozole and clomiphene in PCOS. Second line treatment includes gonadotropins and follicle stimulating hormone in addition to surgery. Patients who still don’t respond to lifestyle modification, weight loss or ovulation induction, in those PCOS women IVF cycles can be utilized to achieve pregnancy. Which includes controlled ovarian hyperstimulation by using FSH injections and oocytes release trigger that is called as HCG (human chorionic  gonadotropin) or GnRH agonist.

Surgery can also be in those cases where ovulation induction fails in PCOS women, but this type of surgery is not performing usually. In this procedure, the polycystic ovaries can be cured by laparoscopic surgery which often results in either carrying on spontaneous ovulations.

PCOS treatment in India includes lifestyle changes and medications. The main motto is to lower the insulin resistance levels, gaining back their fertility, curing acne, maintaining regular menstrual cycle, prevention of endometrial hyperplasia and endometrial cancer. PCOS also causes emotional distress. Metformin medication is also taken prior or during IVF to increase clinical pregnancy rates and improves live birth rate in women with PCOS. It also reduces the risk of OHSS that is ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome in women with PCOS undergoing IVF cycles.

We Care IVF Surrogacy is a leading medical platform which is providing the best infertility solutions in India. We offer the best suited fertility treatment to the intended couples according to their needs and requirements. We also provide the infertility solution to those female patients who are suffering from PCOS condition by implying controlled ovulation induction in IVF cycle with high success rates  and in affordable  range  which can be  easily accessed by the intended patients .



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