What is the ovarian reserve test cost in Jaipur?
ovarian reserve test cost in Jaipur ranges from Rs. 1500 to Rs. 3500, however, it depends on the clinic you are going for the test as you will get these tests done at a very reasonable cost under the network hospitals of We Care IVF Surrogacy. By having this test done it will tell women that how many eggs are left and the ovarian reserve test cost is not covered by any medical insurance provider.
What is ovarian reserve?
Ovarian reserve is the egg bank in a women's ovary that will use to produce a baby. All women are born with enough eggs, however, the quality and the quantity of eggs starts reducing when women age increases. This can be due to various internal or external medical problems.
Many of these eggs are poor in quality that the fertility expert is not able to fertilize them with men sperms, if in some cases fertilization gets successful then there are chances of poor embryo development that leads to miscarriage. Here ovarian reserve test comes into the picture and through which fertility experts can identify the reason for infertility.
Before women undergo any fertility treatment they cannot proceed without an ovarian reserve test, even, IVF can also not solve any infertility problem without ORT.
What are the factors that affecting ovarian reserve?
Various factors can affect ovarian reserve:
Age: Age is one of the major factors due to which the quality and the number of eggs in women's ovaries are affected. This is the reason that fertility experts advise couples to plan a baby at the right time and right age.
Smoking: Smoking can reduce the ovarian reserve and this can also be a reason for early menopause. According to research, approximately 15 to 20% of female infertility occurs due to smoking. Smoking can also cause chromosomal damage to women's eggs which can lead to increasing the risk of genetic abnormalities in the embryos.
Lifestyle: Apart from smoking, the overweight or underweight and disorder in sleeping can affect your hormones due to which infertility occurs.
Medical history: In case a woman has undergone surgery for removal of the cyst can reduce or damage her ovarian reserve. Also, if they have undergone any chemotherapy or radiation therapy for diseases like cancer can cause premature menopause or can destroy women's eggs in reserve.
What are ovarian reserve tests recommended by fertility experts?
The following is the list of ovarian reserve tests recommended by the fertility experts at We Care IVF Surrogacy clinic:
AMH (Anti Mullerian Hormone): The AMH is produced by cells in the sac that contains eggs in women's ovaries. If the level of women's AMH is high that indicates there are a large number of follicles which means more eggs in ovaries. As women age increase, the numbers of eggs produce decreases and the AMH level also falls. This blood test can be performed at any time and give a clear picture of the number of eggs.
FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone): This is produced by the pituitary gland and responsible for maturing eggs in women's ovaries. The fertility expert will suggest this test be conducted on the 2nd or 3rd day of your monthly cycle. Reverse to AMH levels, if FSH level is high it means poor ovarian reserve, and low level of FSH means good ovarian reserve.
Estradiol: The fertility expert recommends this test to be done along with FSH. It is an important oestrogen form that is responsible for developing healthy eggs in women's ovaries. If the E2 test shows a high level of estradiol that means there is a problem with the egg quality or quantity.
AFC (Antral Follicle Count): AFC is one of the best indicators of ovarian reserves as it measures the quality and the quantity of the eggs. The antral follicle is found in women's ovaries that contain immature eggs; however, they have the potential to convert these immature eggs into mature eggs. The fertility expert will conduct a vaginal ultrasound to count the accurate numbers of antral follicles. High AFC indicates a good ovarian reserve, whereas, low AFC indicates a weak fertility potential.
The people who are undergoing for ovarian reserve test need to keep in their mind that these tests are not absolute fertility indicator; however, these tests help to notice the change in hormone levels and will help the fertility experts to plan your treatment accordingly.
What ovarian reserve tests can tell you?
The ovarian reserve tests can tell women that they are reaching the stage of menopause, a high level of FSH in urine or blood, and the level of AMH is decreasing.
AMH and antral follicle count tests can also indicate other reproductive issues like polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and this is a condition where women ovaries develop many follicles but they don’t release an egg.
Ovarian reserve test is also important for women who are planning to freeze their eggs. Several egg counts will directly affect the success rates for the women who are planning to freeze their eggs or undergoing IVF.
What ovarian reserve tests cannot tell you?
Ovarian reserve test cannot tell you the chances of women getting pregnant in a given month. Also, it cannot give a clear picture that how many qualities of eggs are available in women's ovaries.
According to a study, women of age 40 years can have a lot of eggs in their ovaries; however, 70% of them are abnormal and will not allow them to get pregnant.
On the other side, a woman of 25 years of age has a low ovarian reserve for her age according to the test results; however, still she has a good chance of getting pregnant because the 70% of the eggs produced by her are genetically normal. This is the reason that the fertility experts at We Care IVF Surrogacy suggest women freeze their eggs before they reach the age of 35 years.
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