What is Surgical Sperm Retrieval?

Surgical Sperm Retrieval (SSR) in India is a commonly used fertility treatment which is used to retrieve the sperms from the infertile male partner through a surgical method. When the male partner is unable to produce high quality and quantity sperms in his ejaculation than SSR method is required to obtain sperms for successful fertilization. This procedure also called as Sperm Harvesting procedure. Only men with disability for producing sperm can plan for SSR procedures here in India for retrieval of sperms.

The common reason behind absence of sperms in semen ejaculation of male partner can be an obstructive cause that means there is some obstruction in male reproductive tract which is not letting sperms out in ejaculation. This obstruction or blockage can occur at any site in male reproductive tract which can be testis, epididymis or vas deferens. This obstruction does not affect the production of sperms only prevent them letting out. The procedure is performed under sedation or anesthesia to provide painless surgery and patient also feel comfortable. 

What are the recommendations for SSR treatment?

Surgical Sperm Retrieval method in India is widely used by those male patients who are unable to produce sperms in their normal ejaculated semen to achieve successful fertilization. SSR treatment is considered best for the male partners those who have:

  • When a male patient is having barrier in the passage and preventing sperms to release out in ejaculation.

  • When male partner have no vas defers present in his reproductive system.

  • When the male partner wants to reverse the treatment of vasectomy. 

  • In cases where production of sperms are affected in testis. When testis is producing considerably low no. of sperms which are not able to reach vas deferens. This is cause is non obstructive as the reason behind this is affected production of sperms.

In cases of vasectomy reversal method, the male partner can blindly opt for SSR treatment as it is considered best procedure to retrieve the sperms. However, in vasectomy the sperms are unable to come due to blockage of vas deferens as in that cases the sperms are recovered with high possibility.

When sperms are unable to reach in normal ejaculation due to obstructive causes then they are directly collected from the site where obstruction has occurred such as epididymis, testis etc. Where as in cases of non obstructive cause, there is very low percentage of sperms are released and collected directly from the testes (production site of sperms).

The appropriate time for the surgical sperm retrieval method in India during IVF treatment is best recommended by the fertility doctors is usually performed on the same day of egg retrieval process in IVF cycle. SSR method is always accomplished with the IVF or ICSI cycle to achieve successful fertilization. It involves basically three surgical methods for obtaining sperms that are:

  1. Testicular Sperm Aspiration (also known as TESA)

  2. Percutaneous Sperm Aspiration (PESA)

  3. Testicular Sperm Extraction (TESE)


Surgical Sperm Retrieval Treatments in India


We Care IVF Surrogacy provides the best ART approach to the couples who have desire of having their own baby and wants to grow their family. We also offer SSR procedures along with IVF or ICSI cycle to achieve successful results under one roof so that patient doesn’t have to run anywhere else for different procedures in addition to IVF or ICSI cycle. If SSR methods in India are considered more successful in combination with ICSI cycle and also have high success rates. We Care IVF Surrogacy provides the best SSR treatment under supervision of highly skilled and experienced fertility experts at an affordable packages which can be easily reached by everyone.


  • Testicular Sperm Aspiration (TESA)

Testicular Sperm Aspiration which is commonly known as TESA Surgical Sperm Retrieval method which is recommended as best solution for eliminating male infertility factor especially for those who have obstructive azoospermia. TESA is always performed with the cycle of IVF or ICSI. It is a minor surgery which is usually performed under sedation or local anesthesia. The TESA procedure is always scheduled at the same time of egg retrieval process in IVF cycle.


  • Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (PESA)

PESA is also a type of Surgical Sperm Retrieval method in India, which is recommended for those male partners who have obstructive azoospermia. This procedure is also performed as a part of IVF or ICSI cycle in sperm retrieval step along with egg retrieval process under sedation. During this procedure, the sperms are directly collected from epididymis by using a fine needle which is passed into epididymis and extract the fluid which contains sperms.


  • Testicular Sperm Extraction (TESE)

Testicular Sperm Extraction is a minor surgery which is always performed under General Anesthesia or Local anesthesia with proper sedation. In this procedure a sperms are directly extracted from its production site that is testes in form of fluid along with a small sample of testicular tissue which is achieved with the help of a fine needle inserted into the testes or by making small incision. TESE method is usually accomplished with the ICSI cycle to attain successful results of fertilization. As we all know in ICSI procedure sperm is given extra assistance by directly injecting it into the cytoplasm of mature egg. 


  • Micro Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (MESA)

Microepididymal sperm aspiration is a very common SSR technique used in reversal of vassal obstruction in males with vasectomy.  MESA is performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia along with sedation to provide painless procedure. In this procedure fluid containing sperms is extracted from the dilated tubule of epididymis to obtain quality sperms.


  • Micro dissection TESE (Micro- TESE)  

Micro TESE is the procedure used in cases where sperm production is highly affected or azoospermic condition. This procedure is also performed under general anesthesia with the help of an operating microscope. It is accomplished in addition to IVF or ICSI cycle to gain successful fertilization and usually performed at the same time of egg retrieval step in female partner.


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